Interior design blog | House tours, guides & expert interviews

9 common problems our interior designers solve

Written by Lydia Tobin | Jan 17, 2024 1:29:10 PM

When spending time in your home, do you ever feel like your space isn't quite right? There might be subtle signs hinting at the need for an interior designer's touch, signals you might not have noticed yet!

Not sure whether you need a professional's eye on your home? We've crafted a list of common problems our designers notice that might be subtle signals telling you it's the ideal moment to bring in our expertise.

1. You avoid using certain areas in your home

2. Your family is extending - but your home isn't

3. You know what you want but struggle to make it a reality

4. You and your partner just can't seem to agree

5. You can't seem to find the time to improve your home

6. Your space always ends up cluttered

7. You're scared of making expensive mistakes

8. You're getting an extension and are overwhelmed by decisions

9. Your rooms never feel completely finished


Our professional designers are ready to start transforming your home from just £395 per room. Get started today!


You avoid using certain areas in your home

Image credit: My Bespoke Room

Do you find yourself with an ideal home office space, yet you always end up working on the dining room table? Maybe you have a conveniently situated ensuite, but you still find yourself gravitating toward the guest bathroom.

You may not have noticed, but if you are avoiding using certain spaces in your home, there is most likely a reason! Whether the layout just doesn't work or the current décor isn't creating the right atmosphere, we can nail down the problem and create a space that you love and actually want to use.

Every inch of space in your home is precious, so you don't want to let it go to waste. Our designers can make sure all the space in your house are both functional and beautiful!


Start using every inch of your space by booking a room design with us from just £395 per room:


Your family is extending - but your home isn't!

Image credit: My Bespoke Room

Many of our clients come to us when they have children on the way but can't afford to move into a bigger home; with more bodies in the house, there is also a lot more stuff, and therefore you usually have to rethink your layouts and storage.

It has been said that our interior designers work like magic to create more space in client's homes in ways they have never even considered. So if circumstances are changing in your home and you're worried about whether you will have enough space, it may be time to hire an interior designer.

Want help designing your childrens room, check out our blog here.


Are you ready to find space in your home you didn't even realise you had? Book your room design today:


You know what you want but struggle to make it a reality

Image credit: My Bespoke Room

Do you find yourself drowning in Pinterest boards, accumulating endless screenshots in your camera roll, and constantly browsing online stores for the perfect décor, only to discover that nothing seems just right?!

We all know the feeling of seeing the perfect home in our minds, but having no clue how to get there.

Our pro designers always have your personal style and vision at the forefront of their minds and will create a space that reflects that. We love seeing as much inspiration as possible, so never be afraid to ping over Pinterest boards and screenshots galore.

At My Bespoke Room, our designers source from hundreds of suppliers to make sure that every paint shade, piece of furniture and finishing touch caters your design visions. Plus, we even include multiple alternatives to allow for style and budget options!

Skip the endless scrolling, and instead, let an interior designer turn your perfect vision into a reality.


Transforming your home has never been so easy! Let us do the hard work for you by booking a room design from just £395:


You and your partner just can't seem to agree

Image credit: My Bespoke Room

Moved into your new home and now it's time to decorate, but, when it comes to you and your partner browsing home stores, you both can't seem to agree on a thing!

It's totally normal for you and your partner to have different tastes when it comes to home styling, and we understand how hard it can be to find a middle ground.

This is where an interior designer comes in, we've worked on an array of projects where a couple have completely varying home ideas, and they're often some of our favourites! We love bringing not just one, but two, visions to life and helping couples find their perfect room that blends both of their styles together.


Need help combing your and your partner's styles? Let us help! Book a room design today from just £395:


You can't seem to find the time to improve your home

Image credit: My Bespoke Room

We all lead such busy lives nowadays and it can often feel like redecorating always falls back to the bottom of our to-do lists.

By hiring an interior designer, you can save ample time by letting them spend the time researching, planning and browsing; while you simply get to collaborate on all of the fun parts!

At the end of the project, you are given expert an layout, mood board and shopping list to make pulling your final room together as easy and as quick as possible.


Start saving time while receiving a home you love by booking a room design today from just £395 per room.


Your space always ends up cluttered

Image credit: My Bespoke Room

Do you feel like you're constantly stuck in the cycle of tidying up, only to find the clutter always returning shortly after?

If your home is always overtaken by mess, then you probably don't have much storage and your space may be poorly laid out. Our interior designers will help you optimise your space to create the best room layout and allow for the most storage space.

When every item has a home in your space, it is easy to keep your space clear and create a happier and more calming home for you to relax in.

Need some quick decluttering tips? Check out our blog on how to cut the clutter.


Ready for a clutter-free and relaxing home? Book a room design from just £395 to totally transform your space:


You're scared of making expensive mistakes

Image credit: My Bespoke Room

We know the fear of investing in new kitchen counters, and not being sure if it's really going to work; there is nothing worse than thinking you have found the perfect set of furnishings, just for it to simply not look right once it is in your space.

When it comes to hiring an interior designer, you can forget about the fear of expensive mistakes. This is because everything is tailored to your style, the space you have and what you require from the room. Your designer will take into account measurements, colour, materials and style to make sure every piece fits into your room perfectly.


Shop with confidence by hiring us. Book your room design now from just £395 per room:


You're getting an extension and are overwhelmed by decisions

Image credit: My Bespoke Room

If you have made the decision to extend your home, you may want to consider hiring an interior designer. When it comes to large extension projects, space planning can be crucial to ensure you make the most out of your new space.

An interior designer can help you blend the old and the new together, creating a seamless transition, as well as planning perfect layouts to help you best use the space.

Plus, when undergoing any building work, you are most likley going to be bombarded with questions that you won't always know the answer to. An interior designer can help you get 10 steps ahead so you know exactly how you will use the new space and what you need to get there!

Going through an extension and looking for a helping hand? Check out our complete guide to home extensions, here.


Find out more about how we can help you with your new home extension by booking a free call with one of our experts:


Your space never feels completely finished

Image credit: My Bespoke Room

Is your home plagued by a collection of half-finished rooms? Whether it's because you simply ran out of time on the project or struggled to pull off the perfect finishing touches, fear not!

Our designers can both save you time when transforming your space and pull together everything from your sofa to finishing touches such as pillows, candles, vases and ornaments, making your room feel perfectly curated. No longer will you sit in your space and feel as if it is missing something, our designers consider every factor and even offer alternatives for every product.


Want your space to feel perfectly designed? We're on hand to transform your home from just £395 per room: