How are you getting on with your new year's resolutions so far? Still going strong?! A few of us here at My Bespoke Room are rolling up our sleeves and have set ourselves decorating resolutions for our homes. We hope they might inspire your own!


Carve out spaces in your home for hobbies and health

Milena, Interior Designer

Online interior designer


"I want to focus more on my and my family’s well-being and fitness so I’m planning to convert my unused integral garage into a well-equipped gym for the whole family to use. My husband and I are going to convert the garage by ourselves so it’s going to be a lot of hard work but we are super determined. I am pretty excited about the project, but my husband and I are having a very hard time agreeing on a scheme!"


interior design resolutionsImage credit: My Bespoke Room. 


Find small ways to add big value to your home

Jess, Head of Customer Success

online interior design


"The big renovation we had planned is now on the back burner thanks to the cost of living crisis. Instead, we're working with the square footage we already have and making lots of small improvements that will have a big impact on the way we live and add value to our home. Already on the 'to-do list' is relocating the bathroom, replacing our tired laminate flooring and adding bi-fold doors."


home decor resolutionsImage credit: My Bespoke Room. 


Does your home need a refresh? Book a FREE no-obligation call with our team to see how we could help:



Propagate and grow your plant family

Celine, Interior Designer

online interior designer Celine


"In my opinion, no room is complete until it's filled with lush, green plants! This year I'm going to be propagating my own to save money and fill my home with beautiful, natural air purifiers."


If you want more advice on how to add houseplants in your home to help you reduce stress and boost your mood, then click here to read our blog  Studies have shown that houseplants can help lift your spirits and provide a sense of calm and relaxation. 🌱


home decor resoultions - incorporate more house plantsImage credit: My Bespoke Room and Da Silva Design



Reupholster and repurpose

Laura, co-founder

Laura, co-founder of My Bespoke Room


"This year I'm going to get stuck in and dust off my upholstering skills to breathe fresh life into my cushions and other soft furnishings. It saves money, saves the planet and I get to feel very smug showing off my beautiful handiwork!"


home decor resolutionsImage credit: My Bespoke Room. 


Does your home need a refresh? Book a FREE no-obligation call with our team to see how we could help:



Treat yourself to one new item a month

Olivia, Interior Designer

Online interior designer, Olivia


"Rather than give anything up this year, I'm going to be treating my house (and me!) to one new lovely thing a month! I've already got my eye on February's treat - a beautiful vintage mirror."


interior design goalsImage credit: My Bespoke Room.


Buy more vintage pieces

Alexa, Head of Marketing

Online interior design


"Last year, my husband and I moved from a small flat to a 4-bedroom house that we're now rattling around! We had a lot of things we needed to buy quickly to fill the spaces. Now that we have the essentials, this year my resolution is to layer in vintage pieces with history to contrast with the shiny new items!"

If you want some help mixing in more vintage accessories into your home like Alexa here, make sure you check out our blog: How to balance the old with the new. 


home decore resolutionsImage credit: My Bespoke Room. 


Does your home need a refresh? Book a FREE no-obligation call with our team to see how we could help:




Work through a snagging list

Lucy, Head of Design

head of interior design, Lucy


"This year I'm getting organised and getting all those niggly little jobs done and dusted! I've written a house snagging list in order of priority and plan to work through it gradually through the year. There's nothing quite as satisfying as being able to tick things off a list so I'm hoping it will keep us motivated."


interior design goalsImage credit: My Bespoke Room. Shop this kitchen design here.


Does your home need a refresh? Book a FREE no-obligation call with our team to see how we could help:



Sell on items you no longer love

Victoria, Head of Trade

Victoria, head of trade at My Bespoke Room


"It's time for a clear out! I have an ever-growing pile of bits and bobs for the house that I no longer need or love that are just taking up valuable space. This year I'm going to finally get around to listing them all on Facebook Marketplace and give them a new home."


interior design goalsImage credit: My Bespoke Room. 


Does your home need a refresh? Book a FREE no-obligation call with our team to see how we could help:


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